In the Studio

Vieste on standI always looked forward to going into Fantasy Studios. As I said in an earlier post, it was a dream come true. (That’s why they call it “Fantasy” because the whole time I was there I was a bit in disbelief!) The whole process of recording was fascinating and exciting, even when it was tedious. It was work and I was new at the job. Overdubbing vocals was a whole different animal from singing live with a band. I felt naked under a spotlight, under a microscope. Adrenalin would course through my body. It wasn’t pretty. Eventually, I learned to relax…somewhat.Marcos & Alberto

Wizardry occurred in the studio: the weaving together of all the parts, the nuancing of the flow, the technological fixes and enhancements – all done without sacrificing the presence and beauty of the music or the true sound and feel of each performer. Marcos and Alberto spoke in code and finished each others’ phrases.

And then came the mixing…and mixing…and mixing. At some point you just have to stop. Just stop. It’s ready to be mastered – the final, finishing touch.


  1. Hi Mary,
    Beautiful job !! You sound fantastic.
    Are you Brazilian ? Great choice of songs. Let me know when the CD is available to purchase. I hope to catch one of your appearances soon.
    It was so great to see you at the
    Colombo Club. You look great haven’t changed a bit.
    Cheers !


    1. Hi Dan! It was really fun to see you too! No, I’m still Italian, but have a Brazilian musical soul. The CD will be available online February 2, and I’ll also have copies at my upcoming CD release concerts. Maybe I’ll see you there.


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